Monday, February 15, 2016

fire in winter

Isn't this a haiku in waiting?
First let me say that I am sorry that the wench was gone last season inner gardener was on life support
too many family issues for a whimsical heart
too many
But I discovered that when I turned my back on the garden
I shriveled inside
and very quickly
I am a person of the soil
I thrive on petals
and sunshine on my skin
and the smell of wet soil
spiders and snails and toads
This spring I think I will faint dead away when I spot an aconite
or the blood root
or trilliums
Oh to get back to life blood of my soul
I hope you find me again and journey back to a garden life with me
I am 65 now.....but I know the garden will make me a child again
only with a little menthol rub